Sunday, March 29, 2009

Week One-Success

Okay, good news to report. I lost two pounds. Last Sunday was my official start date. No sugar treats or unhealthy snacking all week. I do allow myself a treat on Wednesday treat night and a little on the weekend. No alcohol. I stuck with it for a week and lost two pounds. Yippee. 10 more to go. My goal is by Memorial day to be at my target weight. Here's to week two....


Friday, February 13, 2009

Well... 2/2 has come and gone.....

So... what' the deal? Everyone doing FABULOUS now... that 2/2 has come/gone? I'm NOT!!!! I've lost NOTHING! Zilch... NADA!
I did do some research... I can't remeber if I shared this before or not.. but here goes.. My bloodwork came back with a thyroid level of 0.90... 0.45 is consider hypothyroid! So i'm 0.45 off... 4.50 is the max. Anyway -- i started researching.. and found that if you take your basal temp. it's more accurate to test the levels. I got a basal thermometer and put it beside my bed. When i woke before i moved... talked.. I took my basal temp. My temp. was consisently 97.0, 96.9, 96.6... The info. I found... said anything below 97.5 is LOW THYROID! So... I gathered all my data and e-mailed my doctor... I'm waiting to hear from him... ;-) Maybe the glandular thing is actually a FACT for me! When I read the symptoms.. I have SO MANY of them! Anyway.. I'll keep you posted! Amazing what a little butterfly shaped glad that weighs less than an ounce... can do!
Anyone else struggling???? Love, C
P.S. I miss you all!

Friday, January 30, 2009

I'm Gross.

So apparently eating cookies every night and doing absolutely nothing by way of physical activity has finally caught up with me. I always wear my jeans big, so I really can't tell from them if I've gained weight. However, I had to put on a pair of dress pants today for a play that I'm going to with Daniel's class. I haven't worn them in a while. They've apparently shrunk, or else my ass got fat. Also, my muffin top is so attractive in them. It's so bad I refuse to tuck my shirt in and I'm wearing my belt on the outside of my shirt. I'm pretending it's because it's the style I'm going for, but we all know the truth.

I'm going to have to stop making excuses and get my butt back in gear. My goal is now to lose 10 pounds. If I didn't have to go to this play I'd go running right now. My goal is to exercise 5 days a week for at least 45 minutes. I'm throwing it out there so you all can hold me accountable. You can be my Jillian Michaels and yell at me when I slack off. Feel free to call me mean names and make fun of me if needed. My favorite nickname is Lard Ass, so feel free to use it often.

Love you all.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Jillian PodCast...

Hi there... I just found out Jillian from BL (Biggest Loser) has a podcast!!! I guess it's 2 hours... weekly.

I haven't listened to it yet... thought i would pass on the link? So what do you think about the virus theory?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Here is an article I read online ... from a Newsmax link.... So... do I have AD-36???? *sigh* I'm probably just fat... LOL!!!!!!!!!!!

Obesity Can Be Caused by a Virus
Tuesday, January 27, 2009 9:23 AMBy: Sylvia Booth Hubbard
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Obesity can be caused by a virus and can be caught like the common cold, say researchers at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Louisiana. The highly-infectious virus, an adenovirus called AD-36, can be caught as easily as a cold from the coughs, sneezes and hands of those infected.
Once caught, the virus circulates through the body causing runny noses and sore throats. It also causes fat cells to multiply and can lead to massive weight gain.
“This virus goes to the lungs and spreads through the body,” said Nikhil Dhurandhar, an associate professor at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. “It goes to various organs and tissues such as the liver, kidney, brain and fat tissue,” Dhurandhar told BBC2’s “Horizon” program.
“When this virus goes to fat tissue it replicates, making more copies of itself and in the process increases the number of new fat cells, which may explain why the fat tissue expands and why people get fat when they are infected with this virus.”
Victims of the virus could remain infectious up to three months.
Studies show that 33 percent of all obese adults have the AD-36 virus compared to only 11 percent of thinner people. Tests in animals infected with the virus gained weight more quickly than those animals not infected even when they did not eat more.
Regardless of the virus’ role in causing obesity, most scientists agree that the single largest cause of obesity is eating too many and too much of the wrong foods.
© 2009 Newsmax. All rights reserved.

Monday, January 26, 2009

My new idea.

Okay, Family! I have a fabulous idea. Since we all for the most part agree that we've sucked so far with the whole exercise/healthy eating thing, why don't we do this. Let's move our new starting deadline to February 2. It's such a cliche to make New Year's resolutions; everybody does that. So let's make Ground Hog's Day resolutions instead. Plus, we don't want to start on February 1 because that's Super Bowl Sunday, and let's be honest: We're all going to be pigging out on crap and likely drinking alcohol by the gallons, so there's no sense starting then. What do you think? Plus it gives us one more week to eat what we want, sleep in just a bit and not feel guilty about not exercising. Then starting next Monday we all hit it hard.

Who's with me??

Thursday, January 22, 2009


So, I'm not doing HORRIBLE. Not exercising, mind you, and yes, it's the cold. I put the kids to bed and I curl up on the couch and stay warm with my giant electricity-producing fuzzy blanket.

Maybe all the shocks it gives me are burning some calories?

Anyway, the eating though. I've been pretty good. Not snacking too much, turning away fatty foods, etc.

Howevah. I went to Dunkin' Donuts in Market Square this morning and two things happened, first, I did not see Mark there which is shocking in and of itself because I thought he lived there, and second, I was hungry and am forcing myself to eat breakfast since I read it's good for your metabolism, but instead of asking for the reduced fat blueberry muffin like I should have, I was all, "Hello, fatty pumpkin muffin with gobs of icing. Come to mommy."

Unfortunately it obeyed me and I ate it and now I'm all, "Blurgh."

Pray for me.