Thursday, January 22, 2009


So, I'm not doing HORRIBLE. Not exercising, mind you, and yes, it's the cold. I put the kids to bed and I curl up on the couch and stay warm with my giant electricity-producing fuzzy blanket.

Maybe all the shocks it gives me are burning some calories?

Anyway, the eating though. I've been pretty good. Not snacking too much, turning away fatty foods, etc.

Howevah. I went to Dunkin' Donuts in Market Square this morning and two things happened, first, I did not see Mark there which is shocking in and of itself because I thought he lived there, and second, I was hungry and am forcing myself to eat breakfast since I read it's good for your metabolism, but instead of asking for the reduced fat blueberry muffin like I should have, I was all, "Hello, fatty pumpkin muffin with gobs of icing. Come to mommy."

Unfortunately it obeyed me and I ate it and now I'm all, "Blurgh."

Pray for me.

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