Monday, January 12, 2009


Sorry for the delay in getting the goals up. In addition to the lose 10 pounds....:)

1. Exercise 3 times for 30 minutes.
2. Share one healthy recipe with the group. Any meal, snack, etc. We need some fresh ideas on food.

Here's one. Cut up a apple, add lime juice, sprinkle with salt. Yum! It will feel you up and the sour/salt thing is satisfying. Actually got that from Mort. Will post more soon.

They delay in posting is b/c my dog has decided that everytime we leave him alone now, he needs to poop in the crate. Neighbor had some work done on their house and I think it scared him. Free dog to any home.



  1. Well... this morning I missed my two normal calsses that I take (slow burn and zumba). I missed them because I had breakfast with my friend Donna. This was the only time it would work for her -- so we scheduled it. I have to say i was really torn about missing my classes. I almost told her i couldn't and yet i didn't want to do that. So... my thinking is changing.. which is a good thing. I'm scheduling things AROUND my workouts. Now .. if all this working out would result in me losing some of this freak'n weight!!!! *sigh*

  2. Stacey will the apple really "FEEL you up!!!" Sounds kinky! :)

  3. I'm not doing well this week. Only went to the YMCA ONE time this week. My back was really hurting... so I went to the chiro. on Wednesday (which meant missing myclasses again). But i had to get adjusted. Then today mykids had a delay... which meant Brodyn was dropped off here -- and then i had to take her to school -- then take my kids -- then came home for an hour or so -- then had to go get B from school. Tomorrow my kids are off again. Guess I'll try to do Wii Fit or something....

  4. Caara this has been a bad week for me too. I just cannot get motivated to exercise. i did shovel snow I am counting that as a little exercise. I think it is the weather...makes you want to hibernate and order to must stock up on extra food! :) Hopefully next week will be better for us all!
