Monday, January 5, 2009

You know it's bad when....

You are walking down the steps and stop b/c you hear something...only to realize it is your thighs rubbing your pants together. Totally serious...happened this morning. I was walking down the steps, Jack was behind me. I kept stopping b/c I was hearing something. I said "Jack, do you hear that?"...He said "it your pants". Humbling.

People, I'm waiting for measurements. T & J are the only two that have complied. Of course, they are....they have no body fat between them.

Okay, here is the challenge for the week. We have to start small b/c if we go to big we will get discouraged. So your challenge for this week is in two parts.

1. Do some form of exercise for 30 minutes, three times this week. Anything...walking, playing with the kids, Wii Fit, whatever....just get the butt moving.

2. Try to at least one time a day, avoid grabbing that junky snack. Eat one cookie instead of two. Skip the candy dish at work, once. You get the idea. You don't have to completely abstain...just once a day, make the choice to say "no" to the junk.

Keep everyone posted on your successes and failures. Together we can do this.


  1. Read this, went downstairs and grabbed a handful of caramel popcorn. Clearly, I need assistance from Jesus on this one.

  2. I am cracking up at your comment. You are hilarious. I am going to attempt to exercise this afternoon. Wish me luck. I have already postponed it. I was going to do it this morning when LB is in school, but changed my mind and will attempt to do it when she is home and Molly is napping.

  3. Can I ask. WHY are you exercising? You need to eat some Reese's Cups and sit your skinny ass down to let the fat have time to deposit.

  4. I went to bed slightly hungry last night. That hasn't happened for about 4 weeks so I guess I did okay yesterday. Today will be the true test b/c I'm home most of the day...that is when I usually forage for food constantly. So far just a cup of coffee and a yogurt. My bad time is from 1-4pm. I just want to eat everything in sight.

  5. Ok Girls, It's like this. I can not post my measurments. It is just to embarrasing. I will tell you my weight. It is a horrible 143. I have gained 20 lbs. in the last 2 years. So if I can still be in the group with out the measurments, I am in. Today I plan to exercise 30 min. Now that my crazy toe is not hurting any more. Went away so fast. Thank the Lord. I believe I will need the help of the Big Guy too. So easy to fall of the wagon so hard to get back on. I am also getting rid of all junk food. Because it calls my name. At all hours of the day and night. Sometimes I swear its better than sex. Give me a good piece of chocolate and I am good. Good luck to all of us.

  6. We aren't going to force you to post your measurements. I think you hit on the key--to not have the junk food available.

    I'm off to eat a big sandwich in hopes I won't go crazy during the witching hours of 1-4.

  7. Dear Mommy,

    Please don't ever say the word "sex" again.

    Thank you.

  8. Well Ladies since I am ordered to not exercise and have to take it easy since my placenta is all jacked up, I will eat the sweets for the entire group. It is the least I can do to support you all. So when you get a craving for something just shoot me an email and I will start chowing down.

    I really am going to hate you all at the beach when I am the fat sister. At least I will have boobs for the beach. Who cares if the rest of me looks like someone stuck cottage cheese all over my thighs and butt. Oh, and I have the beginnings of BACK FAT!

    Good luck! YOU CAN DO IT

  9. Tam, I would like a piece of chocolate cake. Let me know how good it is. I will live through you. Mom

  10. LOL!!!! Ok... this "might" work... having Tammy and Terri eat the food. Hummm.... I do try not not have it here.. but it's hard with having kids. I do try to keep stuff in one cabinet which is THEIR STUFF... and I try to avoid it. I sometimes go too long without eating.. then i want to unload the entire refrigerator down my throat!!!! *SIGH*

  11. Oh... and another thing... I am EXERCISING FAITHFULLY! I am going at least 4 days a week to the gym... and some weeks 5. I like to take classes...such as Zumba, Drums Alive, Slow Burn (a.k.a. slow death), and Body Sculpt. Each class is 45 min. They burn at least 600 calories a class... and some times i take two classes back to back.. then walk the track for 1/2 mile to a miles. Why why isn't the weight just FALLING OFF! I have lost a total of 4 inches.. a little here and there... Remember 4 inches.. but i have a LOT of inches to lose. I dont' see the scale going down mcuh at all !!! This sucks!

    Eating-wise. I'm tryign really hard not to eat much sugar... but wow that's hard. I like my coffee w/ sugar... so i allow myself that. I'm trying to stick to one cup a day the way i like it. Then... most days are good... tryign to snack on almonds etc... but wow. this is slow. I will say that i feel muscles UNDER the fat... have you ever felt that????
