Wednesday, January 21, 2009

It's Been Quiet on the Blog.

Does that mean that you all are sucking on the exercise/healthy eating as much as I am? I don't have a clue what's wrong with me, but I have yet to start exercising. I'm eating less crap, but I still manage to fit some in now and then. Had a bunch of Hershey's kisses last night. Then topped it off with an Oreo. Every night I go to bed sure that I'll be up early the next day to exercise, then I just hit the snooze button and go right back to bed.

Anyone else struggling? Anyone? Anyone?


  1. YES!!!!! I'm struggling big time! I was on such a roll with exercising .. and now I'm off schedule. I missed Monday because the kids were off. Tuesday Mom and i went to breakfast then shopping for a shower gift... (which was a lot of fun and i needed that time) Today i woke up late -- but got the kids to school then went to my slow burn class. I was dying. I so badly wanted to quit but i didn't. I just listened to a story about a woman who lost 200 lbs. Surely... i can lose what i have to lose?!?! I'm watching BL (Biggest Loser) and feel motivated... and yet the eating part is just driving me nuts.

  2. Ok... doing my devotions...and came across this verse....
    1 Cor. 10:31...

    So whatever you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it ALL for the GLORY OF GOD!

    Our friend, Scott, told me that his trainer said...

    A healty body = providing a healthy home for the Spirit God gave me when I started following Christ!

    I did pick up the book from the women I heard on Focus on the Family talking about losing 200 lbs. Her name is Chantel Hobbs - The book is: Never Say Diet. She just talked about the "mental" aspect of this whole battle!

  3. Yes, I too am struggling. I have yet to exercise, yet to get on the WII, yet to take my measurements. I think my winter blues are starting to take over. I feel myself spiraling downward. This damn dog isn't helping matters either!

  4. I am doing horrible as well. Haven't exercised or eaten healthy. For breakfast and lunch I had a total of 10 french toast sticks. i am addicted to them. I suck!
